The Writings of Hybachi LeMar



The Ghetto-bred Anarchist

  • Buy Now – All Proceeds Go Directly to Hybachi LeMar

By Hybachi Lemar
Introduction by Hybachi LeMar
Liberation School Press

From behind bars, Hybachi LeMar has finished his third book – “The Ghetto-bred Anarchist”

“Forged from the front lines of the struggle, “The Ghetto-bred Anarchist” is an incendiary underground classic that burns bright with revolutionary wisdom. Hybachi’s hard-fought reflections and strategies show how we can liberate ourselves from within the cracks of capitalism.”

“A call to action .. a modern-day George Jackson, with all the pain, anger, determination and soaring prose, but with the loving care of a genuine anarchist.” – Anthony Rayson

Liberation School Press
ISBN 979-8-9916799-0-9
Printed by Nero Ink: Chicago

“The Ghetto-bred Anarchist” is also available for purchase from the IWW Store.

The Ghetto-bred Anarchist

The Anarchybalion

By Hybachi Lemar
Preface by Brianna Peril
Liberation School Press

A fascinating examination of forces of nature as taught from ancient Egypt. The Anarchybalion fuses Anarchism and Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Knowledge into something a unique explanation of how Kemetic Knowledge can be applied to our lives today. This is not some esoteric imagining about what used to be or what could have been but rather a useful road map of what is and what will be if you practice the principles laid out herein. The Anarchybalion provides a solid foundation upon which we can build ourselves into better people and discover our own pathways to creative genius and to being human.

***A few days after the book completed printing, FW Hybachi was violently arrested. He is now facing charges that will have him removed from his family and friends, and incarcerated outside of his home state. He is a great community member and a much needed force on the ground in Chicago. Take a second to contribute and share!!! PLEASE SUPPORT THE HYBACHI LEMAR LEGAL DEFENSE FUND!!!

100% of sales go directly to FW Hybachi LeMar’s legal fund.
The Anarchybalion

The Deprived and Depraved

By Hybachi LeMar
Introduction by Anthony Rayson

LeMar’s 2015 book of Black anarchist theory/practice/philosophy does not forget that in order to confront this society one must start with one’s own self. It moves through self-deprogramming of social conditioning which surrenders power to authorities, hierarchy, and capitalism at the expense of our own empowerment, singularly and collectively, to concrete examples of applying theory and practice in the Lathrop Homes and Chicago school occupations during the Occupy movement. He participated in opening autonomous spaces in neighborhoods neglected and rejected by both the ruling class and its authorities and white anti-authoritarians that cling to complacent familiar milieus. This is an inspiring reading that overlaps with prison abolition and prisoner support, worker and poor unemployed solidarity, Black liberation and anarchism, neighborhood self organization, and more.

“This book is dedicated to the cutter and the contemplator of suicide; the ideological odd-ball; the oppressed prisoner sitting on the edge of their bunk; all I’ve wronged before becoming socio-politically aware (except the State); to those who’ve made their life a personal revolution in itself and to the have-nots of society who, like me have had so much taken from us that we literally feel that we have nothing to lose”—Hybachi LeMar


Writings for Outcasts
By Hybachi LeMar
Download Zine PDF: (web) (imposed)


The Ghettobred Anarchist
By Hybachi LeMar
South Chicago ABC, Quimbys. Download Zine PDF: (web) (imposed)


Soul Power – A Revolutionary Relationship With The Universe
By Hybachi LeMar
South Chicago ABC. Download Zine PDF: (web) (imposed)


We Who Stand The Most
By Hybachi LeMar
South Chicago ABC. Download Zine PDF: (web) (imposed)


Anarchism and Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Knowledge
By Hybachi LeMar
South Chicago ABC, Quimbys. Download Zine PDF: (web) (imposed)


Anarkybalion Aphorisms and Maxims
By Hybachi LeMar
South Chicago ABC. Download Zine PDF: (web) (imposed)



The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword: Collaborating with Prisoners Armed With Zines
By Anthony Rayson with contributions from Hybachi LeMar
South Chicago ABC. Download Zine PDF: (web) (imposed)