The Anarchybalion



The Anarchybalion
Anarchism and Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Knowledge

By Hybachi Lemar
Preface by Brianna Peril
Liberation School Press

A fascinating examination of forces of nature as taught from ancient Egypt. The Anarchybalion fuses Anarchism and Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Knowledge into something a unique explanation of how Kemetic Knowledge can be applied to our lives today. This is not some esoteric imagining about what used to be or what could have been but rather a useful road map of what is and what will be if you practice the principles laid out herein. The Anarchybalion provides a solid foundation upon which we can build ourselves into better people and discover our own pathways to creative genius and to being human.

***A few days after the book completed printing, FW Hybachi was violently arrested. He has been removed from his family and friends, incarcerated far from his hometown. He is a great community member and a much needed force on the ground in Chicago.***